“XIII Serbian Congress of Anesthesiologists and Intensivists”, 22nd-25th November 2018, Belgrade
We are happy to announce competition for young colleagues of different proficiency levels, including medical students, clinical doctors and residents in anesthesia and intensive care, who are willing to present their original work or case report.
Send your abstract and compete for the best presentation, the best written abstract and the best scientific project.
Please, follow the abstract submission instructions. Abstract that do not fulfill suggested instructions would be rejected.
Abstract Submission Instructions:
Deadline: October 20th, 2018
Length: Abstracts should have up to 250 words.
Accuracy of the used data is the author(s) responsibility.
We strongly suggest reading ESA abstracts from previous meetings, which are available online.
Guidelines For Authors
- The abstract must primarily report on new work within the field of anesthesiology and intensive care, including case reports. Abstracts must be based primarily on new, unpublished material.
- The title is limited to 15 words.
- For each author, enter the full last name, middle initials, and full first name .
- Only the author’s affiliation will appear in the official conference program, and this should be the name of the institution. There is no field for job title.
- The abstract will have four sections: Background and Methods, in which the objective of the study is clearly identified and the methods are described; and Results and Conclusions, in which specific results of the study are explicitly reported and their implications for practice are briefly discussed.
- Clarity of language is important. Abstracts must use standard English and follow English syntax, grammar, and punctuation rules. Poorly written abstracts will be REJECTED.
Please send your abstracts on e-mail: info@uais.rs
Subject: Abstract Contest Final 4!
“XIII Kongres anesteziologa i intenzivista Srbije”, 22-25. Novembar 2018., Beograd
Pozivamo Vas da učestvujete u takmičenju organizovanom za mlade lekare koji se bave anesteziologijom ili intenzivnom terapijom.
Konkurs je otvoren za: studente medicine, kliničke lekare i lekare na specijalizaciji.
Bira se najbolja prezentacija, najbolje napisan apstrakt i najbolji naučni projekat.
Molimo Vas da sažetke pripremite u skladu sa priloženim uputstvom.
Uputstvo za pripremu i slanje sažetaka:
Krajnji rok: Oktobar 20, 2018
Dužina: Sažeci mogu sadržati maksimum 250 reči.
Tačnost podataka navedenih u sažetku je odgovornost autora.
Sažeci koji nisu u skladu sa dole navedenim uputstvima će biti odbijeni.
Preporučujemo da se pogledaju sažeci sa ESA kongresa prethodnih godina koji su dostupni online.
Uputsvo za pisanje sažetaka
- Sažetak treba da sadrži originalan rad ili prikaz slučaja iz oblasti anesteziologije i intenzivne terapije. Apstrakti treba da sadrže rezultate koji nisu do sada publikovani.
- Maksimalni broj reči u naslovu je 15.
- Za svakog autora navesti prezime, srednje slovo i puno ime .
- Navesti ustanovu u kojoj autor radi, jer će se naziv ustanove pojaviti u programu kongresa.
- Sažeci imaju četiri segementa:Uvod i Metodologija, koji sadrže definisan cilj istraživanja i korišćenu metodologiju; Rezultati i Zaključak, u kojima se iznose rezultati studije i njen uticaj na praksu.
- Sažeci su pisani standardnim engleskim jezikom i prate pravila engleskog pravopisa. Apstrakti neadekvatno napisani će biti odbijeni.
Sažetke slati na e-mail: info@uais.rs
Subject: Abstract Contest Final 4!
Endorsed by:
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